SSP Help

So, you guys are basically a bounty of information on all things political. I thought I would ring out the sponge of SSP’s knowledge. I am currently writing my research paper for the internship I did with Mayor Debbie Cook in CA-46, and I’m writing it on the affects of gerrymandering on fair elections.

It would be an amazing help if anyone that knows of any good sites could shoot me a link. And no, wikepedia does not count. lol I’m trying google searches, and that is the first thing that comes up every time.

I have a bunch already, but any good ones, or any good ideas would be most welcome. Debbie Cook ran a great race and was a great candidate, I want to do good by her by doing a good paper.

Thanks guys!

12 thoughts on “SSP Help”

  1. kept a record of  most of the California press on redistricting.

    But the really juicy stuff is in the court cases. In particular Vieth V. Jubelirer, Miller v. Johnson, and LULAC v. Perry

    I also suggest you read Grofman and Burnell on the art of the Dummymander.

    For more on minority representation in districting, see The Paradox of Representation by David Lublin.

    For some history on the congressional districts on California, google for “Burtonmander.”

    That’s just off the top of my head.  

  2. Don’t use it as a source of information but as a source of sources.  See if they cite anything useful.

  3. The DLC has a study they put out called “Gerrymander the Vote” in 2008.

    Google the bad gerrymanders and the word “gerrymander” i.e Ohio gerrymander, Michigan gerrymander, Florida gerrymander, Virginia gerrymander and a lot of articles and pieces will come up.  Careful, though some are ancient (Michigan’s includes a law case and stories about an 1891 gerrrymander).

  4. Search JSTOR, ProQuest, and EBSCO.  You might could see if the American Political Science Association has anything in their database.

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